Posted By Admin Date: 19.05.15


Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that feed on human blood. They come out at night to feed on you as you sleep. They are able to do this because their saliva contains anesthetics that numb the skin so they are able to feed without you ever feeling a thing! These sesame seed size bugs can live up to a year without their favorite meal, but prefer to inhabit places where they can feed every 5 to 10 days.

Recently there has been resurgence in bed bug infestations. Contributing factors may be; these parasites developing resistances to insecticides used to control their populations in the past, as well as the booming international travel industry. Luggage is a common way for bed bugs to travel from one place to another. It only takes 1 bed bug to start an infestation as a single bed bug can lay up to 200-500 eggs in their lifetime.

Dirt or grime has nothing to do with infestation. The cleanest households can be at risk and these parasites can infest most any environment: the home, hotel rooms, offices, schools, cruise ships, etc.