Posted By Admin Date: 30.07.15

Treatment for Bed Bugs

Are you waking up with red spots all over your skin? Did your relationship just end because you couldn’t resist scratching your whole body while watching television? Have you spotted live apple-seeds walking all over your furniture? You definitely have a bed bug issue and you better fix it. Your sanity may depend on it!

The need for a treatment

It might be shocking to know that thousands of people have suffered due to accidental poisoning. This type of poisoning is caused mainly due to chemical contamination as a result of over reliance on chemical based detergents, sprays, disinfectants, etc. It is ironic to know that humans are falling prey to their own traps which were really meant for pests.

Bed bugs are one of the main nuisances needed to be dealt with, in a household. It does not make any sense to rely on chemical based sprays and exterminators anymore. More and more people are turning to safer alternatives like Eucoclean.

How does Eucoclean work?

Eucoclean is a Treatment for Bed Bugs. It is known to be very effective, especially against bed bugs. Eucoclean is made of constituents having a very strong smell causing the insects to flee and never come back. It is very interesting to note that chemical poisoning is useless on a long term basis as all insects become resistant to it after a couple of generations. Traditionally, then we move on to more toxic chemicals and the vicious cycle goes on and on. With Eucoclean, the mechanism being physical in nature is more reliable and effective long term!

So what does this wonder spray contain?

Eucoclean is made of nature’s best eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, etc. Eucalyptus oil is a repellant, cleaner and disinfectant. Peppermint oil is a solid repellant. Tea tree oil and lavender oil are the best against bed bugs in particular and moreover, they have their very own soothing smell. This is one aspect which divides Eucoclean from the rest. It is a multipurpose spray. Ever heard of a room freshener which repels bed bugs? A lot of people have been drawn to Eucoclean thanks to this reason alone.

If it is safe, why not use it anywhere!

Eucoclean is an herbal cocktail of a bug repellant. It is very safe. Even if you accidently spray your skin, no need to worry, just wash it off. People have started spraying Eucoclean on all their clothes, furniture, and other accessories to have that extra bit of protection from not just bed bugs, but all kinds of bugs. The sweet scent never gets in the way. Some people even attach it to their air conditioning system to make the whole house fresh and bug free.

Other Methods

Apart from Eucoclean, bed bugs hate it when you turn the heat on. They just can’t withstand high temperatures. So consider giving your bug infested sofa or bed a thorough wash in boiling water. Hot driers are another alternative. Follow it up with some dedicated vacuum cleaning. Those bugs won’t come back for a while at least. If you want a permanent solution though, just stick to Eucoclean!